Organizational Psychology and Technology: ethical, legal and practical issues related to active listening and work-related stress monitoring in Italy and Europe

Основное содержимое статьи

Alessandro De Carlo
Laura Dal Corso
Paula Benevene
Florencio Vicente Castro
Matteo Corbo


Active listening is a powerful tool for the prevention and reduction of organizational disease and stress as well as for performance enhancement and even corporate social responsibility development. Active listening and wider work-related stress monitoring, as proven in literature and by several ongoing action-research experiences, can be made particularly effective if implemented in organizations through both traditional and technological methods , such as telephone and web-based chats, synchronous and asynchronous video-messaging and communicating tools, anonymous edropboxes and whistleblowing solutions, electronic questionnaires, and active monitoring technologies, just to name a few. While these technologies can have a positive impact on psychological intervention in organizations and, therefore, on the life of workers, they pose a series of ethical and legal issues. Some of them are still strongly debated and are under scrutiny of professional boards and governmental bodies. In Italy, the National Board of Psychologists has recently published guidelines for the web-based psychological practice. The European and Italian Parliaments have also produced several new norms that impact on the possibility of psychological interventions. Technology does not only involve the difficulty of the legal systems to follow the pace of its evolution, but also poses concrete difficulties in professional psychological applications, often related with the technological gap between the theoretical possibilities and the capabilities and instruments of the target organizations. This work aims to analyze some of these legal and applied issues and to propose, on the basis of a wide legal analysis and real case-study discussions, concrete solutions for incrementing the efficacy of the psychological interventions.

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Биография автора

Alessandro De Carlo, LUMSA University of Roma

Profesora Departamento de Psicología y Antropología

Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Extremadura

Как цитировать

Organizational Psychology and Technology: ethical, legal and practical issues related to active listening and work-related stress monitoring in Italy and Europe. (2019). Revista INFAD De Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology., 1(1), 183-190.

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