The 3p and dedepro models as research heuristic


Jesús de la Fuente
Lucía Zapata Sevillano
Paul Sander
María Cardelle-Elawar


There are different heuristics that study the teaching-learning process; in this investigation we will explore the confluence of Biggs’ 3P model and the DEDEPRO model. These two complementary models offer us a framework for the analysis of teaching-learning situations with greater specificity and a better understanding of the structure of the research studies and the variables they study. In this manner, by incorporating both the general processes of teaching and learning, as well as the specific variables that are related to them, more or less analytical studies can be developed. Biggs adopted the 3P model to represent the student’s perspective in the teaching-learning process. The ways students learn are explained through the interaction of three moments in time that become the components for which the model is named: 1) Presage, where we find student characteristics and characteristics of the learning context; 2) Process, referring to the way that learning tasks are undertaken; and 3) Product, which includes learning outcomes. All the components that make up this model (Presage-Process-Product) tend toward equilibrium, and a change in any of them affects the system as a whole. In complementary fashion, the DEDEPRO model has established the need to further specify, within the Biggs model, the moments of Design (planning), Development (execution) and Product (satisfaction and performance), in terms of both teaching and learning. The DEDEPRO model assumes personal self-regulation, and is interactive with regulation in teaching, thereby giving rise to different levels of performance and personal satisfaction. In an overall sense, both models give us the opportunity to organize our variables over the teaching-learning process. We would emphasize the joint structure of the two models in relation to the variables in this study: Personal self-regulation, Stressful context (Presage); Learning approaches, Coping strategies, Self-regulated learning and Regulatory teaching (Process-Development); and Performance and Satisfaction with the learning process (Product).




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