Relations between the personal self-regulation and learning approach, coping strategies, and self-regulation learning, in university students (process)
Introduction. Self-regulation is an important variable in education and research, but in educational context self-regulated learning is the construct more studied. For this, there are a scarcity of studies that seek to establish relationships between personal self-regulation and other educational variables. We aim to delimit the relationships between personal self-regulation (Presage variable) and different process variables: approaches to learning, self-regulated learning and coping strategies, establishing the importance of these variables in future research in meta-cognition. Method. A total of 1101 students participated in the study (university and candidate students). The analyses made to meet the proposed objectives and test hypotheses were: Association analysis through Pearson bivariate correlations (Association objectives and hypotheses); linear regression analysis (Regression objectives and hypotheses); Cluster analysis, ANOVAS and MANOVAS, with Scheffé post hoc, and effect size estimates (Inferential objectives and hypotheses). Results. A significant associative relationship appeared between self-regulation and learning approaches and self-regulated learning; and negative correlation with emotion-focused coping strategies. The different levels of personal self-regulation (presage learning variable) determine of the type of learning approach and of coping strategies. Discussion and Conclusions. The importance of personal self-regulation that determines the degree of cognitive self-regulation during the process of university learning; the relationship between personal self-regulation and the type and quantity of coping strategies, and the relationship between self-regulated learning and coping.
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