Social reality: from communication to behavior
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The Social Sciences have long been talking about the construction and sharing of social reality, involving a web of meaning, where the subjects cross and identify.
From the theories of social identity and social representations we have as main objective to understand the human behavior resulting from each individual's perception of a given reality transmitted by signs, linguistic signifiers and singular and idiosyncratic meanings under any form of communication.
Under the observance of a methodology that respects the principles of interpretation and hermeneutics the main objective of this article is to present a critical reflection on the social world constructed by language that, having no limits in itself, easily associates with instances of subjectivity, metaphorical processes, anthropophagic mimicry or arises anchored to new centers of intellectual gravity of opaque power, embedded in symbolic deconstruction where all that remains is noise.
It is concluded that the way in which each individual thinks reality, through the attribution of meaning to the communication he perceives, has repercussions on his life in society through the behaviors he adopts, harmed if he perceives a language or abusive acts of his trust. Individual characteristics may have an attenuating effect, but they do not invalidate the relevance of the message's meaning as well as the context in which it occurs.
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