Personal self-regulation, academic achievement, and satisfaction of learning (product)
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Introduction. Every teaching-learning process aims toward a certain product, which is based on certain objectives and purposes that are to result in the student learning a specific subject matter. This product is called academic performance. Performance has been defined and categorized by different authors. Most research has analyzed performance based on a single global qualification. This tendency to reduce the outcome of learning to a single grade has become one of the main criticisms of research on academic performance. This variable has taken on greater importance in educational research in recent decades, with many variables being studied for their influence on the academic performance of university students. Some of these variables are approaches to learning, self-regulated learning, student attitudes, coping strategies and so on. Method. A total of 1101 students participated in the study (university and candidate students). The analyses made to meet the proposed objectives and test hypotheses were: Association analysis through Pearson bivariate correlations (Association objectives and hypotheses); linear regression analysis (Regression objectives and hypotheses); Cluster analysis, ANOVAS and MANOVAS, with Scheffé post hoc, and effect size estimates (Inferential objectives and hypotheses). Results. A significant associative relationship appeared between self-regulation and satisfaction with learning and performance. In complementary fashion, the level of personal self-regulation had a significant main effect on a high level of satisfaction with learning, specifically in the satisfaction with learning factor and in thoughtful learning, and by high levels of procedural and attitudinal performance. Discussion and Conclusions. The importance of personal self-regulation that determines the degree of cognitive self-regulation during the process of university learning; the relationship between personal self-regulation and the type and quantity of satisfaction with learning, and academic performance.
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