School achievement and self-concept in primary education. Relationship and analysis by gender

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Lucía Herrera Torres
Mohamed Al-Lal Mohand
Laila Mohamed Mohand


This paper aims, on the one hand, to analyze the relationship between self-concept and school achievement. On the other hand, to establish if there are differences in both constructs according to the gender of the students. The study included 422 primary school students, of whom 198 were boys and 224 girls. 48.3% were in fifth grade and 51.7% in sixth grade. The children studied in eight of the twelve public schools of childhood and primary education of the autonomous city of Melilla. The instruments used for data collection were two. Firstly, a register of the ratings obtained in the subjects of Environmental Knowledge, Spanish Language and Mathematics of each student, facilitated by the students’ tutors. Secondly, the Test of Self-Concept Form 5 (AF-5). The results showed positive correlations between the ratings of the three subjects evaluated and three of the five dimensions of the self-concept: academic, social and family. Regarding gender analysis, they were found in the ratings for the Spanish Language subject, so that the girls scored higher than the boys. In addition, gender differences were also found in the dimensions of academic, emotional and family self-concept. Thus, girls outperformed boys on academic and family self-concept, whereas in the self-esteem the boys scored higher.

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School achievement and self-concept in primary education. Relationship and analysis by gender. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 315-326.


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