Psychological contract: formalization of language

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José Manuel Magno Lopes
Florencio Vicente Castro


Conceptual Framework: A fundamental aspect in the study of the psychological contract it to provide a broad model of analysis, by understanding the individual’s perceptions, emotions and behaviour, as well as the moment and context in which they occur with the aim of intervening in relationships that promote a major commitment between the parties.

Objectives: The current literature, in particular authors such as Rousseau and Guest, presents some models of psychological contract which are applicable in specific contexts as well as methodological instruments for the access to data which are applicable in contexts considered for this purpose. Without disregarding the conformity of each one, it is important to develop a model which registers, reads, interprets and provides an information system that considers all the means of communication and which is not dependent on time or space to collect data, i.e., a system that registers any of the individual’s means of expression at all times.

Method: Within a Project which we aim to carry out, this paper in particular is of an essentially qualitative nature and studies the requirements of formal language, with primary focus on Chomsky, for the development of a unique grammar which is associated to a generic model of psychological contract through the systematisation of information.

Results: We based this study on the proposition that a language is composed of a set of symbols (lexis) which uses a set of rules (syntax) so that it can be understood by a specific group. The analysis and interpretation of formal semantics may include a set of transformation rules which can be interpreted as valid rules of inference, a set of axioms or the coexistence of both.

Conclusion: This study aims to establish an informal communication protocol through the formal structure of a language which interprets and gives semantic meaning to the symbology of the language of the psychological contract with the aid of an information system.

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Author Biography

José Manuel Magno Lopes, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão - Politécnico de Leiria

Professor Adjunto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão - Politécnico de Leiria

How to Cite

Psychological contract: formalization of language. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 367-376.


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