Evaluation of quality indicators of the satisfaction of the degrees of education of the school of education and humanities of Melilla through the content analysis

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María del Carmen Olmos Gómez
María Tomé Fernández


This work focuses on the evaluation of quality through the satisfaction of training of the education students of Melilla, the method to be used will be the content analysis by procedures systematic and objective description of the content of the messages, allowing the inference of knowledge related to production / reception conditions (social context) of these messages (Bardin, 1996: 32, Berrocal and Megías, 2015, Buendía, 2010), of instruments and existing, and with which the evaluations of the degrees are currently carried out, in the University of Granada, carrying out an exhaustive analysis of the system of indicators proposed by ANECA (National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation) and the Vice-Rector's Office for the Guarantee of Quality of the University of Granada, and, on the other hand, establishing comparisons of the criteria of analysis of quality indicators in several national and international universities. After the analysis we can conclude that, in general, the indicators to be evaluated are not based on evidence of user satisfaction, based on the documents on the evaluation of university teaching quality, and, depending on the content analysis, we can propose a series of indicators that allow to evaluate the quality of the Training of the Degrees of Education externally, trying to improve the criteria of effectiveness and efficiency.

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How to Cite

Evaluation of quality indicators of the satisfaction of the degrees of education of the school of education and humanities of Melilla through the content analysis. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 397-400. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2017.n1.v3.1007


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