New approach to the teaching of mathematics, the ABN method

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Mª del Pilar Díaz-López
Nuria del Mar Torres López
Mª Carmen Lozano Segura


Mathematics, as stated by Le Lionnais (1976, p.15). "They constitute one of the most revealing and surprising of human thought ". For this reason, "do mathematics", in any level, it is (or should be) always a fascinating, enriching, unique human task. Objective: perform a bibliographic search that addresses intervention programs, experiences in the classrooms of child / primary school or examples of good practice in the main databases of Sciences of the Education and Psychology Methodology: a bibliographic search has been carried out in six bases of data: PubMed, Scopus, Dialnet, ERIC, ProQuest EDUCATION JOURNALS and Psicodoc of the last ten years. The descriptors were: "ABN", "mathematics", "infant education" and "primary education" in English and Spanish, combined by the AND connector. Some articles have been included that They contained studies with a control and experimental group and some revisions or final works of grade. Results: the articles and reviews included contained a total of 444 participants. Describe the characteristics, type of intervention, activities developed, monitoring, results and conclusions in the different studies. These investigations show that teaching of mathematics with the ABN method presents benefits in the students, allows to improve the calculation and problem solving, among other skills. Conclusions: the scientific literature and the publication of experimental studies in relation to the subject of study is still scarce, however The benefits of the ABN methodology are shown in comparison with the traditional methodology in various practices and some studies.

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How to Cite

New approach to the teaching of mathematics, the ABN method. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 431-434.


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