New technological resources to work in a classroom of pre – school education: the interactive story is considered a learning resource

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Juana Celia Domínguez
José Manuel Aguilar-Parra
Juan Miguel Fernández-Campoy
Mª Carmen Lozano Segura


Currently, the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are considered a key resource for education. This concept is progressing and we have a new term: LCT (Learning and Communication Technologies). This communication analyzes some resources which can be used and integrated in classrooms of pre – school education, in particular the interactive story, because according to the current regulations, we must introduce it during this period. With the purpose of integrating technological resources in the school area, we must educate teachers to get technological competences, innovate and experiment in classrooms together with their student body.

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How to Cite

New technological resources to work in a classroom of pre – school education: the interactive story is considered a learning resource. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 435-448.


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