Assesment of the posture with the students of the first grade of primary school

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Peter Kutis
Marina Kolarova
Zuzana Hudakova


During childhood, respectively in adolescence, the human physiological changes due to growth and development of physical and mental functions. There are many factors that affect the growth and development of the individual, and which are reflected in its physical structure. The aim of this study was to determine whether muscular imbalance were observed in the group of pupils in the first grade of elementary school. As methodology, we chose to examinate shortened and weakened muscles by Janda. Survey sample consisted of students of the first grade at two elementary schools in Ruzomberok. The survey was conducted in the years 2015 - 2016, with the consent of parents, children and school head teachers. Students were divided into 4 groups, and we evaluated the incidence of faulty posture in pupils of first, second, third and fourth grade.

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How to Cite

Assesment of the posture with the students of the first grade of primary school. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 457-464.


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