First results of an EBE study on inclusion in two Italian schools

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Mariangela Caturano
Carmen Pirro
Franco Lucchese


What methodologies are most effective inclusive education? What are the framework conditions that favor the inclusion in the daily school reality? The partial results of the research are presented in this article. On a sample of 109 students, aged 8 to 16 years, we were measured the effects of teaching methods “feedback” and “collaborative learning”, recognized as effective by the international literature. Estimated variables are the skills and abilities to cross disciplines, cognitive-emotional factors of academic success, self-esteem. Rating bio psychosocial which opposes the prevailing bio-medical evaluation in Italy. Observe all students, to transform the special response in normal, measure the school environment variables favorable to inclusion can help to improve, in Italy, the effectiveness of public investment estimated in 2013 at  4,7B. They were later assessed the organizational and relational conditions of the school environment, also examined through the perception of the operators. The context is essential to the deployment of effective interventions for inclusion. The experimental design of research using methods recognized at international and European level (EBE), which allow you to compare the results and replicate the model in a supranational context, first of all in the pilot project “RA4AL” European Agency For Special Needs, It started in three countries, including Italy, which has just ended.

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Author Biographies

Mariangela Caturano, Universidad de Extremadura

Dottoranda Universidad de Extremadura

Carmen Pirro, Centro Regionale Sant’Alessio Margherita di Savoia per i Ciechi di Roma

Assistente alla comunicazione - Centro Regionale Sant’Alessio Margherita di Savoia per i Ciechi di Roma

Franco Lucchese, Università Sapienza di Roma

Docente Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica - Università Sapienza di Roma

How to Cite

First results of an EBE study on inclusion in two Italian schools. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 389-412.


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