The importance of staying active in old age.

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Lourdes Aranda
Cristina Buedo-Guirado
Cristina G. Dumitrache
Cristina Di Giusto


Activities engagement is one of the three pillars of successful aging, along with health and high cognitive and physical functioning. The importance of participation lies in its influence on other variables such as wellbeing, physical and mental health. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of participation on psychological wellbeing, depression and health and to determine if there are differences according to the type of activity performed. A sample of 139 people aged 55 to 94 from Granada (49 men and 90 women) was used. Participants were asked about their participation in a list of 16 activities classified as formative, physical or craft, they were asked to rate their subjective health and they were applied the Psychological Wellbeing Scales and the abbreviated version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The results indicate gender differences in participation but not in the other variables analyzed. The total participation in activities was related and was predictor of psychological wellbeing, subjective health and depression but differences were observed according to the type of activity performed. Formative activities relate to personal growth, manual activities with environmental mastery and health, and physical activities with positive relations with others, health and depression. These results highlight the importance of achieving an integral participation in different activities if we are to promote the successful aging of the elderly.

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How to Cite

The importance of staying active in old age. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 13-22.


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