Educate the choice of secondary school of second grade and orientate to prepare for the future

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Margherita Fontana


Orientation is a structural factor of all learning process, it is fulfilled lifelong. At school, spaces  and opportunities to train and to get ready for choosing a future profession are found. School, of course, has to acquire the consciousness of that; nevertheless during the last few years, in which education reforms have followed, it is grow the need to perfuse an educative role at the orientation, so students and their personalities should be the main focus of interest (Del Core, 2008). School Orientation has to direct students to investigate and to acquire essential elements to start their own identity construction, starting from skills they have acquired before. So, it becomes essential give a helping hand to all students to recognize the skills owned, not only to support the motivation but also to identify and define the educational and work choices. In the learning process, particularly during the analysis of the choices done, is useful reflect about the interconnection among personal features, detail of the school process and features of the professional figure related. “One of the school main purpose is to provide all students with the intellective instruments, conceptions and self-regulatory abilities, useful to their own lifelong learning process”. Learning Self- Management in different situations and, also, after school, is the strong point, which will help students to be independent and “to rich the bottom”. (Bandura, 2012, p. 24).

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How to Cite

Educate the choice of secondary school of second grade and orientate to prepare for the future. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 165-172.


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