Mothers´ knowledge about using pacifier, breastfeeding and child development

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Dulce María Pereira García Galvão
Mónica Patricia dos Santos Ferreira
Océane Rose Gomes Alves
Rosa María Correia Jerónimo Pedroso


Pacifier use is currently considered a public health as it’s one of the main determinants that lead mothers to stop breastfeeding early and because of it’s negative impact on child development. Objectives: To explore mothers’ Knowledge about the effect of pacifier use in the breastfeeding and child development; Identify the factors that led mother who breastfed to introduce pacifiers to their children; To characterize the relative weight evoked by the mothers that lead to pacifier use in the breastfeeding process and in the development of the child; To relate the knowledge of mothers who breastfed and whose children use or not pacifiers about their influence on the process of breastfeeding and child development. Methods: A descriptive-correlational study, according to the quantitative methodology, was developed with mothers of children who were breastfed or who were still breastfeeding, whose children attended public or private day care centers, located in the urban or rural area of the district of Coimbra, using a Questionnaire, applied between April and June/2016.
Data were treated by computer and the descriptive statistics was used in the data treatment. Results: A high percentage of mothers reported that their children used a pacifier, starting on the first day of life, at their own option or with the advice of a health professional. High percentage took the decision of its introduction by own option, to calm the child. There was a great dispersion of responses regarding the appropriate age for withdrawal. Small percentage revealed knowledge about the negative impact on early weaning, breastfeeding and infant development. Conclusion: Mothers don’t have a comprehensive knowledge of the influence of the pacifier in the process of breastfeeding and infant development. It’s necessary to focus on the training of health professionals for the transmission of information to mothers.

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How to Cite

Mothers´ knowledge about using pacifier, breastfeeding and child development. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 239-246.


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