The emotions in the personal metaphors of teachers in training in the specialty of secondary technology

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In this study we analyze the personal and emotional metaphors about the teacher and the learning of the Technology alumni of a sample of students of the Secondary Master of teacher training of the University of Extremadura (Spain). The data collection procedure was an open questionnaire where they had to describe their metaphors and make a drawing of them. In the research carried out, we adapted the four categories of Leavy et al. (2007): behavioral-transmissive, cognitive-constructivist, situated and self-referenced. The results indicate that in the general metaphors regarding the teacher's role, the largest number are in the behavioral behavioral category followed by the cognitive / constructivist ones. With respect to student learning, the category of cognitive-constructivist metaphors stands out. There is a certain coherence between those related to the teacher and those of learning, but these present more negative metaphors. In the emotional metaphors both in the role of teacher and in the students' learning, the cognitive-constructivist metaphors followed by the behaviorists stand out, but they reflect more negative emotions. They have expressed basic and social emotions, positive, negative and neutral.

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The emotions in the personal metaphors of teachers in training in the specialty of secondary technology. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 507-520.


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