Relations between stress parental, time dispensed to children and help in tpc

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Ana Rita Reis e Silva
Lisete Mendes Mónico
Luiza Nobre-Lima
Maria Jorge Ferro


The academic discussion about the homework assignment (TPC) justifies the realization of the work presented here. This article analyzes the opinions of parents and children regarding CPT and the association of these perspectives with parental stress. The sample consisted of 50 children attending the 2nd cycle of Portuguese public education and 50 parents. A socio-demographic and school questionnaire was used for children and adults and the Parental Stress Scale for parents. In this study, almost all children have daily CKD, of perceived difficulty between "little" and "some". Although most children recognize that CPTs contribute to better grades, they consider that they are too large and that they rely on the help of their parents to do them (mainly, they use the mother's support), thus taking about an hour daily. Most parents consider CPT to be useful in the learning of learners, although they agree that they take time out for family communication and interaction and can be a source of conflict. They consider the TPC volume to be inadequate and recognize that children do not like to do so and that they only help when they are asked to do so. The view that learning should be done exclusively in the school is supported by more than half of the parents. We found, on average, low levels of parental stress, although higher in the parents of children with daily CPT. Parents who never help make CPTs have less parental concerns but, on the other hand, satisfaction is greater and fears and minor anxieties in parents who always help their children. Parental stress was lower in parents who gave their children more time, especially for the lower scores on Lack of Control and Fears and Anxieties.

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How to Cite

Relations between stress parental, time dispensed to children and help in tpc. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 351-364.


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