Link curriculum society from the subjects of the curriculum. A case at the University of Atacama

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Carmen Gloria Burgos Videla


The study that was presented had as objective to know the representation that circulates and emerges from academic professors of the University of Atacama about the Curriculum-Society Link. To this end, in coherence with the qualitative approach, in this case study the information is known through a semi-structured interview and the tissue of the discourse was analyzed through the analysis of the educational discourse (ADE). The strategy of conversation and documentary review of empirical references was also used. It was understood and concluded that the Curriculum-Society Link should be located at the center of the pedagogical and educational discussion of the curricular subjects of said institution, standing out among the findings: little relevance to the presence of the Cuirritura-Society Link; what is reflected in the curricular organization and triggers important problems in the training and education that is delivered, this accounts for a low articulation of the context and its demands with the curriculum of the University.

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How to Cite

Link curriculum society from the subjects of the curriculum. A case at the University of Atacama. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 241-246.


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