A story of Unamuno ignored during 120 years: "A wise mad man" history and edition of a finding
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A story of Unamuno ignored during 120 years “a wise mad man” History and edition of a finding. In 2012, Salamanca celebrated the “Year of Unamuno” on the 75th anniversary of his death (December 31, 1936). This commemoration was associated with great intellectual, scientific and media brilliance, within a context of events and publications. After this, it seemed we knew all of the enormous literary repertoire of Miguel de Unamuno. Such is the case of his Tales, whose bibliographical acumen was judged to be over, after the extensive production of compilations and studies they produced.
That is why it is of great interest for us at INFAD to give an explanation of why it was forgotten for us at, upon the completion of the 800th anniversary of the great university of he was chancello.
In 2012, the last “lost story” was recovered. Written at the end of the 19th century, it never saw the light of day in the last 120 years. In that century it was published twice: in October 1892, in “ElNervión” in Bilbao and, in November of the same year, in “La Libertad” in Valladolid. But nobody saw this story again: neither in the successive editions of the “Complete Works” nor in the different publications in which short stories from Unamuno are compiled up to that same year 2012 in which we made public its existence in an online study that did not reach the scientific community, nor did it suppose any extension of knowledge, about Unamuno.
It was, therefore, perhaps the only work of Unamuno that, almost until today, remained unknown. In these days, within the INFAD Congress, we publish on paper and in a scientific congress, that online “semi-clandestine” study and publish the text that, we have just seen and almost simultaneously, with the recent re-edition of the “Complete Stories” of Unamuno (Carrascosa, 2011 and 2017), which has just been reprinted, although it has not yet had time to be incorporated into new editions of the “Complete Works”
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How to Cite
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