Attachment ando socio-emotional competences of the teacher. Status of the question 2015-2019
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In recent years, the teacher-student interaction has been identified as an aspect with important associations with the different process that take place inside the classroom (Kikas y Magi, 2017; Pianta, Downer y Hamre, 2016; Rucinski, Brown y Downer, 2018). The current poster presents a review of the last 5 years research findings regard to the teacher’s attachment style with their students and the impacts of this matter on the children’s learning and socioemotional development. For purpose, several articles were revised. The main database was: SCOPUS, EBSCO, PsycINFO, Pubmed, Dialnet y Redalyc. The studies consulted suggest that the teacher-student relationship: 1) plays an important role in terms of learning content and better academic performance; 2) it is positively associated with child school adjustment and social skills, and negatively associated with behavior problems. It is noted, therefore, the relevance of this findings on the education field, and also, some issues that remain less clear about the role of attachment style and the type of relationships that teachers tend to set with others and how this matter can be related to teachers-student quality interactions.
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