From support for the autonomy: the paper of paraprofessional.

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Thaís Carolina Albach Carniel
Maria de Fátima Minetto
Nathalie Baril
Isabel Louise De Souza Correia


The regular school and the special school, despite having diferents work proposals, have a common purpose, to educate and empower the autonomy and the adaptive capacity of the individuals. This study has a general objective to identify the perception of autonomy and support intensity for parents and teachers of children with intellectual disabilities. The research had a transversal approach with explanatory, descriptive and qualitative character. Five children were studied had ages between seven and ten years and a diagnosis of intellectual disability. Data collection was done with four teachers and four mothers related to the same child, so the research had the participation of 8 individuals. The results demonstrate perceptions of a greater intensity of support reported by those responsible for the children who are the target of the research when compared to the teachers, as well as the view they have about autonomy that is not in accordance with the literature (Silva, 2008) and the perception about the tutor’s duties are not in accordance with the Brazilian Inclusion Law. It is possible to understand the importance of teacher training for diversity so that they feel more secure in the face of the new paradigms of inclusive education. It seeks to understand the necessary supports for each child specifically, so that it is possible to draw strategies more effective than the paraprofessional

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How to Cite

From support for the autonomy: the paper of paraprofessional. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 375-386.


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