Psychometric properties of a new scale of values for aps.

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Carmen Morales-Sánchez


The learning service is a strategy with clear effects in the literature on values, and more specifically, on the curricular sustainability in the academic field. This includes real and generally complex cases, characterized by a strong ethical component and critical reflection. In the particular case of the University, it has proven to be an effective tool in the acquisition of academic competences. However, many underlying issues remain to the measurement of the effects, both short and long term. For this reason, a new questionnaire on values contextualized in this reality was proposed. In this way, after a qualitative phase of development, focused on the content validity, two phases were developed to assess the psychometric properties: both at the exploratory and confirmatory levels through two independent samples of university students. The results showed an optimum goodness of fit. This suggests that the tool could be used in the evaluation of the impact on values, with benefits of this pedagogy.

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How to Cite

Psychometric properties of a new scale of values for aps. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 235-242.


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