Psychologist in student assistance: interventions at the federal university of pará

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Aline da Costa Jerônimo
Henrique Cesar Cardoso do Couto


The actions directed at student support at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) are the responsibility of SAEST, an oversight that proposes to monitor and evaluate the internal policy of Student Assistance in accordance with the provisions of the National Plan for Student Assistance (PNAES), regulated by Decree No. 7234 / 2010 that aims to: democratize the conditions of permanence of young people in federal public higher education; minimize the effects of social and regional inequalities in the permanence and completion of higher education; reduce retention and evasion rates; and contribute to the promotion of social inclusion through education. These resolutions aim to meet the demands of permanence, accessibility, integration and inclusion of UFPA students in socioeconomic vulnerability. It is interesting to question the place of the psychologist in the policies of assistance to the students of the Federal University of Pará. We propose an intervention research with a qualitative approach whose objective is to describe the actions in progress and to formulate new possibilities of engagement compatible with the praxis of the psychologist who contribute with the specificities of the demands of higher education in the university in question. The competencies, actions and projects related to the psychologist’s performance in student assistance were characterized and the perspectives of exercising their work from the preventive conception, at the evaluative and treatment levels, were characterized. With this, we envisage in the professional of psychology the qualification in the offer of qualified listening, enabling the student to articulate their demands, granting him the condition of agent in the field of assistance policies in the university.

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Author Biography

Aline da Costa Jerônimo, Universidade Federal do Pará

Profesora Departamento de Psicología y Antropología

Facultad de Educación
Universidad de Extremadura

How to Cite

Psychologist in student assistance: interventions at the federal university of pará. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 301-308.


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