Career’s role in the context of household hospitalization: diagnosis, implementation and monitoring of intervention

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Rui Dionísio
Cláudia Chaves
Paula Nelas
Emília Coutinho
Carla Cruz
Ana Andrade


Today it is necessary to work collaboratively in a network with the professionals of the different functional units of primary health care, hospital care and community, because only through an effective system of referral and partnership will it be possible to improve the accessibility, quality, continuity and efficiency of health care, as well as the satisfaction of professionals and users. It is recommended that health care should be personalized and close, which implies not only the displacement of technical and human resources differentiated from the provision of health care, but also their provision in a timely manner to users, family and caregivers. But if proximity allows a better identification of health needs the increase of chronic diseases require complex and continuous care at home, and then we need to characterize the caregivers we have and what are their role as caregivers at home.
So, the proposed project intends to carry out a diagnosis of needs identified by informal caregivers in the region of Lafões, Portugal, when they provide care to a patient and what are the expectations of primary health care professionals and then be able to give them domiciliation, articulation and continuity of care. We intend to constitute a descriptive and exploratory study using semi-structured interviews as a technique for collecting information, based on circular questioning. Then we will be disseminate the results achieved to primary health care professionals in the Lafões region and propose measures and strategies to the Ministry of Health for a true articulation, continuity and proximity of care taking into account the expectations of the caregivers as well as the resources existing in the community. Subsequently, the family members and caregivers will be made aware of the advantages of the patient’s stay in the home environment and the resources available to the population.

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Author Biographies

Rui Dionísio, SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter / ESSV / Politécnico de Viseu Unidade de Saúde Pública ACES Dão Lafões – Portugal

SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter / ESSV / Politécnico de Viseu
Unidade de Saúde Pública
ACES Dão Lafões – Portugal

Cláudia Chaves, Doutoranda em Ciências de Enfermagem Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter / CI&DETS / Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Doutoranda em Ciências de Enfermagem
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar
SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter / CI&DETS /
Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Paula Nelas, UICISA:E / CI&DETS Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Emília Coutinho, SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter/ UICISA:E / CI&DETS / Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter/ UICISA:E / CI&DETS /
Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Carla Cruz, UICISA:E / CI&DETS Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Ana Andrade, UICISA:E / CI&DETS Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

Politécnico de Viseu – Portugal

How to Cite

Career’s role in the context of household hospitalization: diagnosis, implementation and monitoring of intervention. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 365-372.


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