Perfectionism differences depending on low and high and leve lof negative emotion that cause stimuli or situations related to school

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Mª Pilar Aparicio Flores
Virginia Narcisa Ortega Sandoval
Aitana Fernández Sogorb
José Manuel García Fernández


Perfectionism is understood as that tendency to establish high performance standards, accompanied by an excessively critical evaluation of them and a great concern for making mistakes, which is why it is related to various pathological problems. In turn, one of the factors of school refusal, evaluates the avoidance of stimuli that provoke negative affectivity, referring to the anxiety caused by the obligation to attend and stay in school. That is, those negative feelings that can cause in some subjects. The objective of the following study was to analyze whether there are statistically significant differences in perfectionism in adolescents with high and low scores in the avoidance of negative affectivity that provoke stimuli or situations related to the school environment, factor I of the School Refusal Assessment Scale Revised for Children (SRAS-RC). For this, the Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) was also used to evaluate perfectionism. The selected sample reached a total of 1920 students between 15 and 18 years old (Mage = 16.31; SD = 1.00). The observed results show differences in the Socially Prescribed Perfectionism (SPP) and Self-Oriented Perfectionism-Critical (SOP-C) groups, with higher scores in SPP (d = .19) and SOP-C (d = .42) the higher school refusal. These results provide new knowledge in the scientific field considering that few studies in the country of Ecuador measure the differences between the two constructs.

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Author Biographies

Mª Pilar Aparicio Flores, Universidad de Alicante

Universidad de Alicante

Virginia Narcisa Ortega Sandoval, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Aitana Fernández Sogorb, Universidad de Alicante

Universidad de Alicante

José Manuel García Fernández, Universidad de Alicante

Universidad de Alicante

How to Cite

Perfectionism differences depending on low and high and leve lof negative emotion that cause stimuli or situations related to school. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 421-430.


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