AACS implementation and generalization in special education contexts

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Ángela Segura Pérez
Claudia Tatiana Escorcia Mora


To achieve this aim, it was carryied out an analysis from a sample of 13 in-service hearing and speech teachers who are working in a special education school in the province of Valencia. Some different data has been obtained from a survey created ad hoc and these were contrasted with the existing bibliography.
Following this comparative analysis it was concluded that the generalization of the use of these system is not adequated since there are difficulties that have mainly resulted from the lack of coordination, and also from the low involvement of the family. All of this has to be remedied through the collaborative work of the different environments where the student user of AAC develops their everyday with the aim of increasing the degree of generalization which is going to improve their communicative linguistic decelopment and it is going to enhance a correct psycho-social maturity.

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Author Biographies

Ángela Segura Pérez, Universidad Católica de Valencia

Universidad Católica de Valencia

Claudia Tatiana Escorcia Mora, Universidad Católica de Valencia

Universidad Católica de Valencia

How to Cite

AACS implementation and generalization in special education contexts. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 469-480. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2019.n2.v1.1717


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