Alternativa Zero: learning. A revision of Jerome S. Bruner's to a theory of education

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S. Nobre
F. Vicente Castro
S. Reis
L. Vicente


The Human being by his mutable, evolutive (or involutive) human condition, obligatorily, not only learn to face the constraints and challenges of life, as to avoid it or to defend from it.
Innate and learned mechanisms and strategies aren’t just represented by continuos or isolated points, but mostly represented by a function of diverse equations with diverse variables, resulting on convergent planes, as well divergent planes, meaning the same human being sometimes copes with other defends from.  The relevance of this paper comes from the necessity of questioning the learning models, drawing a Therapeutical Alternative ilustrated by the essential distinction of the primary processes to learning : cope with and defend from, as Bruner (66) explains that although exists always some defense level, excepted the depleted psychotic, exists always some hability to cope with a problem, as even the most severe schizophrenic can generaly cope with a substantial emergency.

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Author Biographies

S. Nobre, Doutorada em Psicologia Universidad de Extremadura

Doutorada em Psicologia
Universidad de Extremadura

F. Vicente Castro, Catedrático de Psicología Universidad de Extremadura

Catedrático de Psicología
Universidad de Extremadura

S. Reis, Psicóloga Clínia e Educaional no Ministério da Educação

Psicóloga Clínia e Educaional no Ministério da Educação

L. Vicente, Psicóloga no Centro de Investigação da Clínica Delicate Age Saúde

Psicóloga no Centro de Investigação da Clínica Delicate Age Saúde

How to Cite

Alternativa Zero: learning. A revision of Jerome S. Bruner’s to a theory of education. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 65-70.


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