Study of learning approaches in university students of social sciences and health sciences at the university of Salamanca. A multivariate vision through MANOVA-BIPLOT
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Several studies have contributed to promoting research on learning approaches at the university level. The approach taken by the students can be surface or deep and can change depending on different contextual variables. The main goal of this work was to study the type of learning approach presented by students from the areas of Social and Legal Sciences and Health Sciences at the University of Salamanca. The samples under study were 518 students from the area of Social and Legal Sciences and 300 students from Health Sciences. The R-SPQ-2F questionnaire was analyzed and the differences between the learning approaches and the areas of knowledge studied were measured using the Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples. To visualize the relationships between learning approaches and knowledge areas, the Manova-Biplot multivariate analysis was carried out. The findings found that the deep approach and superficial approach are practically independent. The deep approach predominates in the area of Health Sciences and there are significant differences in this approach between students from Health Sciences and students from Social and Legal Sciences.
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