Study of attachment and anger in adolescents institutionalized in the Oporto area

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Jose Maria Correia Ferronha


The authors studied the anger level in 33 adolescents institutionalized in establishments that welcome young people at risk, and even the type of attachment that they have. This study aims to better understand young people and how to implement intervention strategies to improve the social  behavior of those young people at risk and their integration in the institutions and take special educational measures. We used for this study two instruments already assessed for Portuguese adolescents and these were: the inventory Trace of Anger Expression that provides concise measures of experience and expression of anger (STAXI) and the Inventory Attachment in Adolescence-IPPA (Armsden and Greenberg, 1987; English version: Portuguese version of Lucia Neves, 1995). The results obtained in STAXI were compared with the results obtained by Ana Pais, in his master’s work in 2000, in a population of 552 adolescents, distributed by both sexes, allows us to identify these variables in institutionalized adolescents in STAXI. The means of those variables confirm that the State Rage and Trait Rage are higher in these institutionalized adolescents, On the other side the attachment to parents and friends is statistically different with higher insecure attachment values parents and friends in institutionalized adolescents than in a population not institutionalized.

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Author Biography

Jose Maria Correia Ferronha, Universidade Lusofona do Porto

Psiquiatra  Professor auxiliar Psicopedagogia

How to Cite

Study of attachment and anger in adolescents institutionalized in the Oporto area. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 161-172.



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