Sexuality in intellectual functional diversity: compilation of evaluation instruments of the Salusex team

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Vicente Morell-Mengual
M. Dolores Gil-Llario
Irene Díaz-Rodríguez
Rafael Ballester-Arnal


The sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) is a controversial issue. Their sexuality is characterised by myths and false beliefs that have restricted their right to achieve the experience of a free sexuality. In some cases, their sexuality was equated with that of children, as asexual people; and in other cases, a lack of control over their impulses was assumed, trying not to awaken their sexual instincts. In 2015, SALUSEX team initiated the study of sexuality in this group with a project, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, related to the quality of life and sequelae of sexual abuse. Taking into consideration the needs detected, this project was followed by another, currently under development, with the aim of developing and analysing the effectiveness of a programme to prevent abuse and improve sexual health. In this project, some psychometric instruments are being developed and validated to collect information about their knowledge, beliefs and experiences in both self-reported and other-reported. The aim of this paper is to present some instruments to assess the sexuality in the field of intellectual functional diversity, developed by Salusex team.

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Sexuality in intellectual functional diversity: compilation of evaluation instruments of the Salusex team. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1).


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