Partner physical threat perception and well-being in youth
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The present work studies the perception of threat to security and/or physical integrity in romantic partners during youth, related to personal and couple well-being. Participants were 316 young people between 18 and 36 years old (M = 23.61; SD = 3.678). 72.47% were female. Regarding sexual orientation, 64.87% were heterosexual and 35.12% of other sexual orientations. Perceived physical threat in current romantic relationship and past relationships (ad hoc questions), well-being (SWRS), relationship satisfaction (RAS) and subjective well-being (SWLS and SPANE) were assessed. Data collection was carried out online, the data were analyzed using SPSS v.26, performing descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVAs and Pearson correlations. Among the results obtained, we highlight that 30.2% of young people reported that they have felt their physical integrity threatened on at least once in previous relationships. Among bisexuals, this number rises to 44.6%, being significantly higher than among heterosexuals (F = 5.34; p = .001). Of those with a current partner, only 2.2% report perceiving threat on some occasion in this romantic relationship. Perceived threat in previous relationships is related to greater communication (r = .18; p = .017) and less conflict (r = -.17; p = .025) in the current romantic relationship, as well as greater negative affect (r = .19; p = .004). The need to study intimate partner violence in all types of romantic relationships during youth is discussed, developing tools to obtain accurate and sensitive indicators on the prevalence of different types of violence.
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