Family perception of primary chool students in private centers during covid-19 confinement

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Lucía Pérez Vera
Miguel Ángel Durán Vinagre
Ana Paredes Espinosa
Susana Sánchez Herrera


During the period from March, April and May 2020, many labour and training sectors were paralyzed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, being forced to carry out their activities online and therefore the Spanish education system had to exercise the teaching-learning process in a new scenario. In order to understand the perceptions of family members of Primary Education students, in private-concerted centers, this study disseminated a questionnaire during the month of March 2020. The results of theanalysis of the datacollected show that most families of the sample analyzed consider that the task load should vary according to the subjects, showing mostly patience in the resolution of doubts and developing good planning to continue the educational development of the course
from home, manifestation that the time spent performing the tasks was extensive.

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Family perception of primary chool students in private centers during covid-19 confinement. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 51-58.


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