Mapping of the determinants of satisfaction with life of portuguese seniors: proposal for preventive intervention at an organizational level

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Ana Pinto
Aida Isabel Tavares
Carla Carvalho
Paulo Santos Costa
Pedro Parreira


This study focuses on the impact of demographic, socioeconomic, geographic and health determinants on Portuguese seniors’ life satisfaction. The aim of this research is, therefore, to map the determinants of satisfaction with the life of the Portuguese seniors at a national and regional level. This knowledge brings insights to improve quality of life, starting with prevention in their active life (organizational level). We used data collected by the National Health Survey of 2014 and estimated a linear OLS regression both for Portugal and its regions. The main results show that determinants that contribute positively to the level of satisfaction with life are: marital status of being “married”; higher levels of education; higher levels of income; being men and people living in rural areas. The determinant that contributed negatively to the level of satisfaction with life is the existence of chronic diseases.
The results at the regional level maintain the trends observed at the country level, showing income and chronic diseases as determinants that have an impact on life satisfaction in all regions. A general profile of the Portuguese seniors is provided for the country and by region, as well as proposals, generic and transversal, at the organizational level are outlined.

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How to Cite

Mapping of the determinants of satisfaction with life of portuguese seniors: proposal for preventive intervention at an organizational level. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 97-106.


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