Interoceptive awareness and female sexual functioning: systematic review

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Celina Ribeiro
Henrique Pereira


The attention paid to internal signs seems to have an important influence on the sexual functioning of women, a greater interocective awareness seems to be related to better sexual functioning, in its various dimensions. In this sense, it was intended to identify, select, evaluate and synthesize the relevant scientific evidence available on the relationship of interocective awareness and sexual functioning in women, through a systematic review of the literature. For the review, the following research question was raised: Does interocective awareness have a relevant influence on female sexual functioning? Studies were considered eligible if they referred to the relationship between interoceptive awareness or mindfulness with aspects of female sexual functioning, if they were empirical studies, with a non-clinical sample. Scientific research was carried out in several databases, starting from keywords and certain concepts. Seven scientific articles were selected, which were analyzed and synthesized. All articles are in agreement on the importance of interocective awareness in the various aspects of sexual functioning evaluated, also affecting psychological factors such as anxiety, psychological limitations, sexual satisfaction. Increasing interocentive awareness can increase the sexual well-being of women who are not part of a clinical population, and may even protect them from future sexual dysfunctions.

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How to Cite

Interoceptive awareness and female sexual functioning: systematic review. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 165-178.


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