Health gains in patients hospitalized in a medium rehabilitation unit
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The aging of the population, the increase in chronic pathologies and changes in the profile of the family network lead to the rethink of health care. Thus, the National Network of Integrated Continuous Care was created, with the Medium Duration and Rehabilitation Unit (UMDR) being one of the types of care and focus of analysis of the present study. It is intended to evaluate the health gains obtained with admission to UMDR at the level of cognitive status, risk of falling and functional independence; relate the cognitive state at admission with functional independence at discharge; analyze the gains in terms of cognitive status, risk of falling and functional independence according to gender. An observational, analytical and retrospective study was carried out and in its systematization followed the STROBE methodology. It started from the documentary analysis inherent to the UMDR database, of patients hospitalized in the period from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2020, totaling 342 individuals, of which 33 wereexcluded. Data were collected regarding sociodemographic characteristics, the moment of admission and the moment of discharge of cognitive status, risk of falling and functional independence, assessed respectivelythrough thefollowing instruments, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, Berg Balance Scale; and Barthel Index. The level of significance was set at 5%. Sample consisting of 309 individuals, mostly male, 56% (n = 173), with a mean age of 73.9 ± 12.2, married 39.8% (n = 123), retired 83.8% (n = 259) and with a main diagnosis of stroke 45.6% (n = 141). The study showed statistically significant health gains in terms of cognitive status, risk of falling and functional independence (p≤0.001). There were statistically significant differences in the level of functional independence at the time of discharge, given the initial cognitive status (p≤0.001) and, between genders, in terms of cognitive health gains (p = 0.016), risk of falling (p≤ 0.001) and functional independence (p≤0.001).
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How to Cite
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