Assessment of aging in people with intellectual disabilities using a behavioral screening test

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Raquel Braga Santos
Elena Felipe Castaño


The increase in life expectancy in people with intellectual disabilities (IDPs) is having a great impact on their care needs and associated resources. IDPs need to maintain their quality of life in old age and for this, assessment and diagnosis services must be able to detect early the appearance of pathological aging and thus establish specialized and individualized support. It is essential to have screening tests, which allow direct care professionals to detect these indicators early and thus refer them to specialized services. The objective of this work was to describe the characteristics of a 31-item behavioural screening test, with a response format of four categories, designed to record behaviours associated with aging. The Scale was administered by direct care professionals to 64 IDPs aged between 35 and 65 years. The ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki were complied. The scale allows describing the behaviours associated with basic psychological processes, activities of daily living (ADL) and emotional state, which appear more frequently in PDI. It can be considered a useful tool for direct care professionals. It would be necessary to deepen in the analyses of reliability and predictive validity that confirm its usefulness in the early detection of disorders associated with pathological aging and pathologies related to mental health. In future research, we intend to delve into these aspects, as we consider that having reliable and valid assessment tools facilitate early detection,and allow the implementation of prevention programs that improve care for mental health pathologies in PDIs who are ageing.

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How to Cite

Assessment of aging in people with intellectual disabilities using a behavioral screening test. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 207-216.


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