Oral and written language characteristics in x-gragile syndrome

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Esther Moraleda Sepúlveda
Noelia Pulido García
Sara Cañas Pedrosa
Noelia Santos Muriel
Cristina Pérez


Fragile X syndrome (Fragile X syndrome) is one of the most common genetic syndromes causing intellectual disability, occurring mainly in males. Most people with Fragile X syndrome acquire oral language, and sometimes also master written language, but the initial acquisition of words is significantly delayed, and therefore, the development of oral and written language is delayed. The aim of this study was to know the parents’ perception of these deficits. Eight families of children, adolescents and adults with SXF who were evaluated by means of the language assessment scale of the CELF test participated in the study. The results indicate that the majority of parents show problems in oral language development and a special difficulty in the beginning of reading and writing. Both factors seem to be very much determined, in addition, by the level of attention. These data support the importance of working on language in all its aspects throughout the life cycle of the person with XFS.

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How to Cite

Oral and written language characteristics in x-gragile syndrome. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 275-282. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n1.v1.2063


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