Preliminary results of the efficacy of the saludiversex affective-sexual education programme for adults with intellectual disabilities
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In order to promote healthy sexual development, it is necessary to guarantee the access of people with intellectual disabilities (PID) to training in sexuality and interpersonal relationships. In this sense, there is a need for affective-sex education programmes for IDP that present solid empirical evidence of their validity. With this objective, the present study offers preliminary data on the efficacy of four sessions of the Affective-Sexual Education Program SALUDIVERSEX: (1) Intimate hygiene, (2) Sexual abuse, (3) Sexual orientation and (4) Intimacy. The programme was applied to 43 users from four occupational centres in the Valencian Community. The implementation of the programme and the evaluation of knowledge (before and after its implementation) was carried out by the professionals of the center itself who had previously been trained in the program. The results show that participants improved or maintained their knowledge in all the areas assessed, although it was in the session on sexual abuse that the degree of achievement was highest (between 25% and 80%), with lower results in the session on intimacy (between 0% and 20%). On the other hand, a greater impact of sessions dedicated to intimacy and sexual orientation was observed in those groups formed only by IDPs with low IQ; and in sexual abuse in the groups formed by older people. In the absence of a more comprehensive analysis, we can conclude that the sessions presented in the SALUDIVERSEX programme are effective in improving the knowledge of IDPs, although this effectiveness is modulated by factors such as IQ and age.
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