Perception of equality in young adolescents and the role of education

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María del Mar González López
Remedios López Liria


The present project aims to treat one of the most current topics although it is not something new: equality between men and women. Historically, there has been an unstoppable struggle by women to achieve full equality of rights and freedoms with men. Even today, there are differences that are detrimental to them and that must continue to be eradicated. Education plays a crucial role in the acquisition of these values, because if change is possible, it is in the hands of future generations. The aim of this study is to analyse the perception of secondary school students with regard to this subject. Methodology: data from 182 participants were obtained through an online survey during the spring of 2020. Results: Regarding gender stereotypes, a positive concept about gender stereotypes is highlighted at a general level. However, when dealing with the topic related to love, the percentages vary in favour of toxicity and loss of personal privacy. The same applies to work, where half of the participants do not consider that there exists discrimination in this area. Conclusions: According to revised literature and participants’ responses, there is a need for education that addresses and advocates gender non-discrimination. 

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How to Cite

Perception of equality in young adolescents and the role of education. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 401-408.


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