Art and education in early childhood in times of confinement: a case study

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Lorena López Méndez


This research presents an intervention project through artistic education in early childhood, focused on a case study implemented during the state of alarm and confinement in Spain, in the months of March to May 2020, caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In this study we identify emotional alterations, behaviors and psychological symptoms that a minor has suffered as a result of confinement. Likewise, the positive effects generated through the design and implementation of a series of creative processes focused on painting, modeling (salt dough, plasticine and clay) and individual pieces as artistic tools. The results confirm that the development of these processes significantly mitigates symptoms such as the
child’s excessive attachment to adults, anxiety about not being able to relate to their peers or going abroad due to social isolation. In conclusion, and although our sample is small, the results show us how Art Education implemented in an informal context such as the home, has contributed and influenced not only mental health, but also the attitude, well-being and sociability of the minor with her parents and vice versa. Therefore, education and art, given the positive evidence found, reinforces the hypothesis that art and culture should occupy a significant place in society, beyond the space delimited in the curricular contents of the study plans.

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How to Cite

Art and education in early childhood in times of confinement: a case study. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 89-98.


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