Emotional development in childhood. A study on the emotional competences of children and girls
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This research has the purpose of evaluating emotional development in the student body during pre-school education in the second course of the second cycle of this stage (N = 123). To this end, children emotional competences have been analyzed. Specifically, emotional awareness, emotional regulation, social competence and life skills for welfare. Furthermore, the results obtained by little girls and boys have been compared in each dimension, with the aim of recognizing the influence of the sex of the infant during his emotional management.
The results show significant differences depending on the sex of the children in the global level of emotional competence and in three of the four dimensions which it is composed. Moreover, the study evidences the necessity of evaluating emotional processes during the infancy with the objective of improving social and emotional competences of the student body of Pre-school education and increasing them throughout their academic training for their development.
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