The social-emotional response in times of COVID 19 pandemic in the second grade primary school classroom.

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Ángela Salueña Tena
José Luis Antoñanzas Laborda
Laura Mateo Hernando


The consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have generated a deterioration in the socio-emotional development of people, mostly affecting children. This is due to social isolation that produces negative responses in the expression of emotions, feelings and thoughts, promoting social interactions that do not include physical contact. For this reason, through the intervention proposal raised by the educational field, new alternatives have been developed that improve the child’s socio-emotional responses thanks to activities that promote social interaction using body language and emotional expressions through drawing.

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The social-emotional response in times of COVID 19 pandemic in the second grade primary school classroom. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 411-420.


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