The pandemic and reading comprehension and strategies in fifth graders

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Esperanza Vázquez González


Introduction: Because of the pandemic, we have found ourselves in a difficult situation that has developed in the academic world. We have been presented with the need to use a new digital education Both in digital and distance education or presence, reading comprehension remains one of the most important linguistic processes to advance learning Method: The investigation is carried out a cross a quasiexperimental extpostfacto and correlational study in 410 pupils of 5th grade of Primary. Three instruments are in use for the evaluation of the different variables: ECL-1 and two questionnaires elaborated by a group of experts. Resulths: In the study of the reading comprehension and the knowledge - use of the variable reading metacognitive sstrategies and reading cognitive strategies one finds a high level of correlation, 80 % and 77,7 % respectively. On having applied the different statistical tests Anova and Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparisons so much in variable knowledge - use of reading metacognitive strategies metacognitivas as in variable knowledge - use of reading cognitive strategieswe can observe differences between the knowledge - use of the variable reading metacognitive strategy and reading cognitive strategy and the level of reading comprehension( High place, way - high place, average, average-low and low). Conclutions: The high level of correlation us exposes the relation that one finds between the reading comprehension and the reading strategies. On having applied Anova and Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparisons obtain the exposed results according to which to a major knowledge - use of the reading concrete strategy it corresponds with a major level in the reading comprehension. This reality, it leads us to confirming the theory of which the most strategic pupils are those who present major reading comprehension and viceversa and concludes the value of the reading metacognitive strategies and the cognitive strategies as an instrument to be able to increase and consolidate the reading comprehension of the pupils.

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How to Cite

The pandemic and reading comprehension and strategies in fifth graders. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 227-236.


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