Basic principles and foundations of educational inclusion. The case of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, México
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For UNESCO (2013), the children that have the priority right to inclusive education are: migrant children; street children; working children; child soldiers; children with disabilities; indigenous peoples and rural populations. While UNESCO’s inclusive education policy is focused on childhood and the basic education system. It is necessary for this coverage to reach the population of adolescents and young people who attend the middle and higher level system. The institutions that serve them are facing the challenge of inclusive education without the support of public policies. Faced with this challenge, this communication aims to identify the principles and foundations in the implementation of inclusive education in higher education through the case study in a public university in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico, the writing is integrated by the background of inclusive education at the higher level, the study objective, the methodology and techniques used through a case study, the results, the conclusions obtained and the bibliographic references consulted.
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How to Cite
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