Factors involved in socioemotional wellbeing of gifted students in Mexico

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Pedro Sánchez Escobedo


This work focuses on concerns, services, and perspectives toward socioemotional wellbeing of gifted students in Mexico, particularly during and after the pandemic. Research on socioemotional issues of gifted students is scarce, hence inferences form studies with the general student population, clinical experiences and personal communications allow to identify three major trends. Findings suggest that there is the relatively low impact of confinement in the long term in previously well-adjusted children, with family support and social networks. Also, there seem to be no significant differences in emotions between gifted and neurotypical children. Twice exceptional children face challenges in the socioemotional sphere, so they must be considered in a different category. Implication for research on emotional domains in both gifted and neurotypical children are discussed. 

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Author Biography

Pedro Sánchez Escobedo, Facultad de Educación Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Facultad de Educación
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

How to Cite

Factors involved in socioemotional wellbeing of gifted students in Mexico. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 193-200. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v1.2356


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