Quality criteria for teaching in hihgher education for the teaching of English as a foreign language

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Slava López Rodríguez
Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas
Claudia De Barros Camargo
José Álvarez Rodríguez


Studies on quality have increased in recent times in the field of education. Accreditation systems and processes have been created and implemented to assess the excellence of teaching worldwide. The general objective of this work is to offer a system of university quality indicators for English teachers in Cuba in order to guide their evaluation, training and professional development, taking into account the different stages of their academic career. Approached this general objective from a descriptive and explanatory methodology, with the aim of knowing what the opinions about teaching excellence within the teaching staff in Higher Education are, in its initial moment of research, focused on various stages of study, we carried out a broad review of those indicators that professionals consider necessary for the performance of their teaching task. A questionnaire has been applied to find out what the vision of these professionals was about university excellence, being answered by 43 subjects. In the set of indicators of teaching excellence that are offered, we highlight: motivation for teaching the foreign language, perception of their students, knowledge of the context, both normative and institutional, organization of their subject, development of teaching throughout the course, communication in class, individual support and consultation or tutoring and evaluation.

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Author Biographies

Slava López Rodríguez, UGR


Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas, UMA


Claudia De Barros Camargo, UAM


José Álvarez Rodríguez, UGR


How to Cite

Quality criteria for teaching in hihgher education for the teaching of English as a foreign language. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 217-228. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v1.2360


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