Leadership and self-efficacy as predictors of academic achievement

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Ángel Sánchez Anguita Muñoz
María Fátima Pulido López


For a long time there has been a special interest in personal and professional improvement through new methodologies and tools. One of those tools to improve is personalized tutoring that has proven its validity in two areas: personal and academic-professional. Within the academic field, teachers have more and more concerns about teaching effectiveness and for this reason we think about the use of processes such as coaching to improve student performance. Educational Coaching is a strategy to strengthen leadership (Veliz and Paravic, 2012). Peer Academic Coaching is a concept of helping new students based on peer help (Sánchez, 2008). Coaching between peers or between teacher-student can serve to increase academic performance, as well as the effectiveness of the student’s effort (Sánchez-Teruel, 2013). Objectives: To find out if personal competencies such as leadership, self-efficacy or are predictors of academic performance in undergraduate university students. Sample: A sample of students was chosen consisting of 523 subjects of both sexes of different grades and geographical origin, between 18 and 45 years old and from the Universities of Salamanca and University of Guarda. Method: Through contact with undergraduate professors from different degrees, questionnaires on leadership styles and self-efficacy were applied to the volunteer participants from the chosen universities. The results were tabulated with descriptive and inferential statistics and conclusions were established. Results: 201 men and 322 women participated, of which 233 were Spanish and 251 Portuguese, the rest were from other European countries or from outside Europe. Most of the participants have a medium or high self-efficacy. The subjects have grades of approval in 61.1%, remarkable in 32.2% and outstanding in 5.6%. Those who score high in democratic leadership style are 18.9%, medium 76.7% and low 4.4%. Conclusion: The results indicate that age is positively correlated with task-oriented leadership and to a lesser extent with relationship, also with self-efficacy. According to the results, a higher level of self-efficacy correlates with higher academic performance and greater preparation for coaching. The democratic leadership style correlates positively with preparation for coaching. Subjects with higher scores have higher scores in preparation for coaching, that is, they are in a more suitable situation to start an improvement process

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Author Biographies

Ángel Sánchez Anguita Muñoz, Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca

María Fátima Pulido López, Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca

How to Cite

Leadership and self-efficacy as predictors of academic achievement. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 453-462. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v1.2403


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