Importance of meaning of life and well-being for mental health in adults
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Background: Although there is extensive research around the concepts of meaning in life, psychological well-being and mental health/mental illness, literature reveals an almost lack of studies focused on the analysis of these concepts taking into account comparations between adults at specific stages, namely in the stage of emerging adulthood and in middle age. Objectives: This presentation aims to review studies on the variables under analysis, emphasizing their relevance and timeliness. It is also aimed to understand the specificities of this field of research for the two stages of development, emerging adults and middle-aged adults. Methods: Based on duly delineated criteria, the methodology adopted is the bibliographic review of the most relevant studies. Results: By bibliographic review, it was possible not only to analyze the evolution of the concepts under study, but also to perceive the relationships between them. It was also possible to understand how the meaning in life is structuring for the human being, and may present itself as very relevant for stages of great change such as that of emerging adulthood. The review also allowed us to analyze the evolution of the concept of psychological well-being and to know what is meant by mental health nowadays. Conclusions: Meaning in life has been positively associated with physical / psychological health / well-being and psychopathology and seems to be a mediating factor in psychological health. These three pillars prove to be indispensable for a healthy and happy life. Finally, given that there are few studies that contrast stages of adulthood that include emerging adulthood, it was concluded that there is a need for projects that respond to this gap, making a proposal for future research.
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