Large-scale assessment policies and inclusion of vulnerable groups

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Márcia Lopes Reis
Hilda Maria Gonçalves da Silva


This paper attempts to analyze how paradoxes towards undergraduate course management practices in Brazil are observed after inclusion policies and/or quotas for vulnerable groups in Brazilian universities in the context of large-scale policies. In Brazil, the ENADE (Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes) represents a relevant large-scale evaluation process of undergraduate courses. ENADE is part of a more comprehensive system that involves three other main components: the evaluation of institutions, of undergraduate courses and of student performance. SINAES (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior) evaluates universities in their teaching, research and extension functions and was created in 2004 by Law n. 10861. Since then, some university access policies have been changed to ensure that groups that have been made vulnerable throughout history can be part of this locus of construction and dissemination of scientific knowledge. The question that is proposed: What studies are done under the theme of management practices that have been changed by the results of large-scale evaluations following affirmative policies? The bibliographic analyses represent the methodology to be used. The first analyses show the scarce reflections published on the subject and evidence the fragility of large-scale evaluation systems to fulfill their role: to measure the quality of higher education. 

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Author Biographies

Márcia Lopes Reis, UNESP/Brasil


Hilda Maria Gonçalves da Silva, UNESP/Brasil


How to Cite

Large-scale assessment policies and inclusion of vulnerable groups. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 111-116.


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