Emotional competence profile of specialist nurses in mental health and psychiatry
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Care based on scientific knowledge, the development of relational strategies and attitudes, as well as the development of a set of capacities that interact with each other, allows the Specialist Nurse in Mental Health and Psychiatry to build interpersonal relationships in a stable affective environment, providing the patient with a different and peculiar care. The purpose of this study was to identify the Emotional Competence (EC) profile of Specialist Nurses in Mental Health and Psychiatry (SMN). The methodology was quantitative, having used a questionnaire adapted for this research. The sample was of the snowball type and included 32 participants, being mostly female (n=26; 81.3%), with a mean age of 40 years. Data were analysed using the SPSS software, with parametric and non-parametric tests having been applied. It was found that there is no relationship between sociodemographic variables and EC. The variable average daily contact time with people diagnosed with mental illness showed statistically significant differences in the Empathy dimension. With regard to the determinants of EC, it was confirmed that all skills are predictive of EC and that specialist nurses had moderate levels of EC in its five dimensions and overall. The dimension “Self-awareness” showed a high level of EC.
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How to Cite
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